Welcome to Castelnuovo

The principal town and the heart of the green Garfagnana, land of nature, history, art and fine cuisine. The Pro Loco of Castelnuovo welcomes you to discover the Garfagnana

Convention of historical studies

XII Convegno di studi storici - settembre 2015

XII Convegno di studi storici – settembre 2015


Since 1992, the Pro Loco of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, in collaboration with the Deputation of National History for Ancient Provinces of Modena, the city of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana and Unione Comune Garfagnana (former Comunità Montana della Garfagnana) promotes a biennial convenction of historical studies about the Garfagnana area: study days in which are offered important contributions to knowledge and rediscovery of the past of our local territory especially in view of the new and crucial discoveries that archaeological research has been and will be able to offer.

In September 1992, the 1ˢᵗ convenction dealt general themes to stimulate the attention of researchers and persons interested in history about the great artistic heritage of Garfagnana. The 2ᵑᵈ, in September 1995, has instead inaugurated the specific issues that have been transcribed in “La Garfagnana dai Longobardi alla fine della marca Canossana (secc. VI-XII)”, however in 1997 it was published “La Garfagnana dall’epoca comunale all’avvento degli Estensi” containing the proceedings of the  3ͬ ͬᵈ convenction, and in September 1999, the 4ᵗʰ meeting was “La Garfagnana dall’avvento degli Estensi alla devoluzione di Ferrara” (1430-1598) , and “La Garfagnana da Modena Capitale (1598) all’arrivo di Napoleone (1796)” in September 2001 and in September 2003 “La Garfagnana dall’arrivo di Napoleone (1796) all’Unità d’Italia (1861)”, concluding thereby the re-reading of our historical memories.

In 2005 it was attempted to initiate a new thematic path with the aim of considering specific historical chronology of Garfagnana area; so in the 7ᵗʰ convention it was proposed the theme: “Viabilità, traffici, commercio, mercati e fiere in Garfagnana dall’antichità all’Unità d’Italia” treating the study of the road network through the time and its impact on economic and social life of the Garfagnana; the 8ᵗʰ in 2007, addressed the theme “Religione e Religiosità in Garfagnana, dai culti pagani al passaggio alla Diocesi di Massa (1821)” a theme today little studied with particular reference to places of worship, history and church heritage, culture and traditions, and the 9ᵗʰ convention (2009) aroused great interest for the theme “Achittetura Militare e governo in Garfagnana: dai primi incastellamenti all’Unità d’Italia” in which walled lands, castles, fortifications, mayors, vicars and governors as well as the statutes of the Comunità di Garfagnana have been widely and successfully investigated.

The tenth year edition (2011), entitled “La Garfagnana dal Risorgimento ai primi anni del Novecento”, was based on issues related to Italian Unity: therefore patriots and war exploits, politics, administration, demography, migration, economic and social development, education and road network. The eleventh conference, in 2013, was held on the theme: “La Garfagnana storia, cultura, arte II – Nuove ricerche, approfondimenti e riflessioni dopo un ventennio di studi su una regione storica italiana”.

Finally, the twelfth convention held in 2015 dealt with the theme “Società, cultura materiale e sviluppo del territorio in Garfagnana” with particular attention to the population of the Valley in the different classes and social conditions and the peoples and persons’ way of being and of living, the so-called material culture.

Various researchers as always coming from the areas of Emilia, Apuan and Lucca, which have cooperated and contributed thus contributing, once again, to elevate the meeting for the quality of scientific contributions in view of the latest archival and material researches. It is unnecessary to point out the great cultural and promotional value of the initiative and the quality of the studies offered by the participation of the most important researches of national level and the recall for local persons interested in Garfagnana area, but it is worth to note that the deep knowledge and study of their origins, their communities, art and tradition are essential for planning, promoting and raising the image of the Valley.

Following each convention, the scientific contributions, according to tradition, are then gathered in a volume obtaining a continuity of debate and historical interest. The volumes are on sale at our Pro Loco office.

For information and prices please visit the section

