Welcome to Castelnuovo

The principal town and the heart of the green Garfagnana, land of nature, history, art and fine cuisine. The Pro Loco of Castelnuovo welcomes you to discover the Garfagnana

Corriere di Garfagnana

Testata del primo numero del Corriere di Garfagnana

“Corriere di Garfagnana” is the oldest of information sheet of the Serchio Valley. Until the beginning it was involved in current affairs, culture, entertaining even relations with the Garfagnana communities abroad, with quell’emigrazione he saw from the Garfagnana for all countries of the world, between the end of 1800 and 1950, at least 40,000 compatriots , what we have called “the other Garfagnana.”
Born in 1881, and even amid ups and downs that led him to merge with other newspaper “La Garfagnana”, built ten years later, continues the publications until 1933, when, to honor the figure of the deceased director, Giuseppe Bernardini, “Giber, “that after a parenthesis in 1897 will become director from 1900 until his death, the property decides to suspend the exits. In 1952, the “La Garfagnana” newspaper resumes monthly publication and then go back to being “Corriere di Garfagnana” since September 1992.

From this date is managed by the non-profit “Corriere di Garfagnana”, legally constituted with the aim of protecting and preserving the tested and work so that the “Corriere” will continue to be independent body of information of our land.

Ordinary € 25,00
Supporter € 30,00
Meritorious € 50,00
Europe-Afric € 55,00
North e South America € 65,00
Australia-Oceania € 90,00

The annual subscription includes 11 monthly issues plus supplements and the fee can be paid at the Pro Loco of Castelnuovo Garfagnana or via postal c / c No. 13239553.

Tel office: 0583/644354
Info drafting: corrieregarfagnana@virgilio.it
